Whenever I use refraction, the overall minimum refraction amount is too harsh/intense for some reason even if the value is below 1. To elaborate. even when I input a constant scalar value of 0 the refraction would always be quite high as if it were glass or water.
I didn’t have this problem until I upgraded to 4.7 and above, so is there some sort of new setting for this or is this a bug?
What you are seeing is expected because ‘Refraction’ is not calculated the same as other inputs as far as 0 to 1 scale are concerned. There is some great documentation that explains how ‘Refraction’ is implemented in the engine, and even specific values physically accurate to a particular surface. For example, the refraction value for glass is about 1.52 so using this number, combined with the correct material properties and set-up can yield some great results for simulating glass.
Here is the set-up I used for the glass material shown.
Follow the links below for the in depth documentation on ‘Refraction’ and how it can be implemented within the Engine.
How to Use Refraction
We also have a twitch stream from last week that elaborates even further on refraction and visual effects in general. If you are further intrigued I would highly suggest watching this video!
Particles and Visual Effects by Bill Kladis
Let me know if you found this information helpful, and if you still need help understanding refraction.