Reflections on translucent surfaces broken when using blending cubemaps

Hey folks,

I ran into an issue with reflections on translucent surfaces while working on a day/night cycle which can be seen here:

On the left a Translucent sphere (set to Surface TranslucencyVolume), on the right an Opaque sphere. Both are black and are fully rough and metallic. They’re identical except the lighting mode.

We’re blending through different cubemaps on the Skylight which creates some nice reflections but as you can see the blending is gone in the translucent sphere which simply “snaps” from one cubemap to the other.

My assumption is that this is done for optimization purposes but it does create a very bad visual effect. Still reporting it as a bug in case this isn’t the intended behavior.

Currently running 4.13.1 - any help would be appreciated.
Gian Paolo

Any news on this issue?
Did you find a workaround?

This issue is still present in 4.15.1, tested with all possible rendering/reflection settings. It just seems like translucent materials don’t support blended cubemaps.

A bit disappointed that this question got moved from bug report to rendering.

We are also seeing this issue. 4.15

This is hurting us as well with our ocean water. A fix would be amazing.

Our game is features an ocean (heavy use of translucent material) and time-of-day cycles. We need some way to update the skylight without the significant hitch ‘recapture’ creates. I was really hopeful that cubemap-blending would be our savor, but this issue is terrible.