Reflection cliping

Hi, I have problems with reflections. 1) while i move reflections are cut by some cut plane. 2) there is no sharp edges in reflections(picture)__i was looking for some solution but i failed to find it:/
Can somebody help me please?

These are some of the limitations of Screen space reflections, it reflects only what is visible in camera, anything outside the framing is not reflected, its also prone to artifacts at certain angles. The pixelated feel is the quality by which it reflects, currently there is no solution to my knowledge to improve this without messing with code and increasing performance hit even if you put 100% in post settings.

You are only left with using some reflection spheres but those are just approximations and are not accurate and will not work with dynamic objects.

Unreal currently has some major limitations when it comes to accurate per object reflections. some of us are still on a quest to fake/solve this somehow.

Thanks for reply. I kind of think so.//