Redirect Market Samples Download Directory and Install Directory?

I just built a new computer a few days ago, I also got unreal today. My new computer has a small SSD drive 120gb. I installed Unreal 4 to my regular hard drive D:\ that is 3TB but its still putting the projects in C:\MyDocuments . Is there a easy way to have the market files download somewhere i choose, on my D: ? SSDs have limited writes etc… I need to redirect the projects somehow, I don’t even want them temporarily downloading to my C:\ at all.

Thanks in advance!

You can do this for now.

It’s a known issue and a cheap fix but be aware all things are still seen as coming from the sample in the document folder so if you want to do the old double click in the project trick you will need to do it in the documents folder else your project will not be able to find any map additions.

That worked. Thanks a lot!!!