Hey there,
After yet another recompiling my C++ project the editor prevents me from PIE because some variables got invalid and asks for removing them. The catastroph is:
- Those variables contained some essential info about all classes of creatures in my game. I assumed it wasn’t sane to type all their uproperty fields in editor, but I couldn’t imagine any scalable alternative.
- The C++ parent of the affected BP wasn’t actually modified before the recompiling… except for one thing. I’ve changed the encoding of .h file with the struct my variables belonged to. But after the first occurence (PIE crashed the editor so nothing was saved anyway) I reverted the codepage and recompiled the project again, but the variables are still “of invalid type Structure”.
So the exact questions are:
- What the hell was this?!
- How could I restore or at least see the values of these variables “of invalid type”?
- What is the best way to avoid such accidents? I’d like to use config files, I know “config” parameter of UCLASS but I need this for a USTRUCT or rather for a TMap with these ustructs.