Really Need Help with this tiled landscape

This is something I’ve been trying to figure out correctly for sometime and nothing seems to fit right for what I am doing.

Very surprised there isn’t more material on this, anyways.

I have a tiled landscape that I need to setup level streaming but all the examples out there are either with going through doors or what have you.

Also everytime I currently load the map none of the level load, I always have to open the levels window, choose all of the tiled and then choose load.

There has got to be a way I can have all those tiled loaded.

The other thing is it does make the LandscapeStreamingProxy and LevelBounds for each tile and I’m not quite sure what to do with those either.

If anyone can help me out with this level streaming for tiled landscapes that would be greatly appreciated.

Another note: I have added a LevelStreamingVolume but the “Streaming Levels” option under Level Streaming Voume under Details is greyed out.

Using 4.13 latest

What are the specs of your cpu. No offence.

this is not a hardware issue, i have a quad-core i7 @ 4ghz (devil’s canyon) and I have a 1070 graphics card