Rate of Fire [ based on Frames ]

How can achieve a shooting rate based on Frames?

You could use timer. But it is not based on frames.

Or use Tick event and its time delta.

my point is… on 60 FPS i have a gate to fire every 1 sec which is OK
but when FPS drops to lets say 20, i get a “slow motion” to my game BUT the ROF is based on 2 secs,
which results like *2 to *3 times shoots…
can someone help?

Am having all my moves done on Tick so my pawn and enemy pawn movement will get slowed down when FPS drops…
(well this is an other issue am having…)

Hi GRADgr,

for shooting i would strongly advise to use timers. The twinstick tutorial has a very good example for this.
To get you speeds independant from frame rates, all you have to to ist multiply delta time with your speed.
