r.MobileHDR Setting in Profile, and it crash

when i build android, i set in my profile “r.MobileHDR” to 0, and it crash on android. if i click the checkbox in “File->package project->packaging settings->Enging->Rendering->Mobile->Mobile HDR”, and build to android, it can run ok.is there any wrong in my setting ?

android logcat is:

Fatal error: [File:E:\UnrealEngine\4.10\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Materials\MaterialShared.cpp] [Line: 1354]

Failed to find shader map for default material WorldGridMaterial! Please make sure cooking was successful

Hey ggalt,

Try making sure you have checked the ‘Full Rebuild’ option to make sure your entire project builds from the start which includes cooking.

Are you setting the ‘r.MobileHDR’ in the console command window on the device, or are you using the setting within the Project Settings, and then re-packaging.


Thanks, i will try to re-packaging it. ‘r.MobileHDR’ is not setting in console command, it setting in the profile.