Quick question on the topic of tessellation


So I have been thinking about learning this, so that I could add it to my project, just to make it look completely pretty, you know how it is.

Anyways, I looked at this video : Unreal Engine 4 - Basic DX11 Tessellation Tutorial - YouTube

The key thing here is the title, containing the terms “DirectX 11”

If I go down this route, will it limit my packaging to PC?

The reason I ask, is because I fully intend on seeing my project run on a PS4, or XBOX One in future.



It should support Xbox One, since that runs on DirectX as well. I would suspect that PS4 has some kind of implementation

Awesome, I was always under the impression that DirectX is pretty much the standard nowdays, but you can’t be too careful! :slight_smile:

It’s the standard for Windows, but other systems have their own options.