Questions concerning worldbuilding and in game mechanics. Are they possible?

I’m new to UE4 and haven’t done any gamedesign before, don’t know much about it so I thought I’d start of with something small and just see if the main game mechanics will work. However, for the future I have a few ideas but dont know how to execute them or even if they are possible. about asking a few noob questions concerning the project I’m working on.

  1. If you are planning on making an open world game, how big can you build? Also is it a good idea to build one, single sandbox world or divide it into big sandbox sections like The City or The Forest?
  2. How do you create different menus? For example your inventory where you can see all the things you have collected or a journal in the form of a book in which you can turn pages and look up objectives? Also, can you create sections in the journal where the player can write themselves?
  3. Different sets of visions. What I have in mind are these spectral npc:s (both hostile and neutral). These “ghosts” are in general invisible but if you activate this “vision” (either as an ability or if you drink a potion) you can see them for a short period of time. Is that possible to create?


  1. Thanks! I’ll check it out!
  2. Okey, in the content browser?
  3. Great! It’s gonna be a fps. So, basically, I can choose what particles and what meshes etc that are gonna be visible during this “vision mode”?

Any idea how big “Large” is? My current learning path includes making what I would assume to be large and I may need to think about cutting up the environment at this stage.

I guess I should have been more specific, sorry. Lets say large as Skyrim. Can UE4 handle if you build a sandbox the scale of Skyrim?

Single world size has been increased from 5km x 5km to 20km x 20km in 4.6 release
Anyway, it is the size of single cell in world composition. So it’s 20km per side(UE4) versus 57.6m per side(Skyrim), to be accurate.
It possible to use in such way, but for performance sake it’s better to stick with World composition and Skyrim style. Lesser cell/level sizes placed via world composition.