I’m new to UE4 and haven’t done any gamedesign before, don’t know much about it so I thought I’d start of with something small and just see if the main game mechanics will work. However, for the future I have a few ideas but dont know how to execute them or even if they are possible. about asking a few noob questions concerning the project I’m working on.
- If you are planning on making an open world game, how big can you build? Also is it a good idea to build one, single sandbox world or divide it into big sandbox sections like The City or The Forest?
- How do you create different menus? For example your inventory where you can see all the things you have collected or a journal in the form of a book in which you can turn pages and look up objectives? Also, can you create sections in the journal where the player can write themselves?
- Different sets of visions. What I have in mind are these spectral npc:s (both hostile and neutral). These “ghosts” are in general invisible but if you activate this “vision” (either as an ability or if you drink a potion) you can see them for a short period of time. Is that possible to create?