[Question] Trace inside of bsp returns as false

I ran into a weird problem while switching some of my static stuff out to bsp, a line trace entirely inside a bsp brush returns a false result. Since I’m currently using traces to keep my enemies going around platforms, they suddenly just flew off into space.

If you look at image, left platform is made out of a bsp brush, right one is a static mesh with same enemy on both. left one only returns hits on faces, right one is considered “solid” and returns hits even if line trace is entirely inside prop.

I’m not sure if this is an intended result or a bug so I though I’d just ask. I’ve managed a workaround already and I know you’re not really supposed to use bsp for your maps anyway.

Hi Jonas,

Because a BSP is a hollow area with a series of walls, you would need to place a blocking volume in BSP to detect a hit from anything other than faces. Thank you for your report.


I notice there is a ‘hollow’ setting on BSP volumes but it doesn’t seem to change anything, should it?

Hi Taisaku,

This is an old, Archived post from our beta users, and may not reflect accurate information about current editor. Please open a new post with your questions and we will answer there. Thank you.