Question regarding Unreal Editor 4/5

Hello guys,

I have used Unreal Engine until UT3 (UED3) and then I stopped after Unreal Engine 4 was released. I never got to know the newest engine so I have one newbie question. Please help me to understand the difference to the old engine as good as possible.

My general issue is that, I feel turned off using the newest version, because it seems to me, that in the newest version everything consists of static meshes, although the engine provides some primitive geometry tools, the maps do not consist of BSP and static meshes anymore, instead it is all meshes imported from software like Maya or 3dsMax. What I find annoying and difficult is that now, every little peace of geometry is modelled and it seems like nowadays it takes much more time and effort to create a basic map.

Before you subtracted a cube and you had a room, now you build the room wall by wall, because each wall is a mesh. It feels more complex and requires more time.

Do you agree? Or what is it, that I have gotten wrong?

Please advice!