Question About Releasing Project Files

Hey there,

So I’m thinking of releasing a past project that I used to work on (was WIP, not finished, a lot of broken stuff) but it contains a few assets from the marketplace (like Landscape Auto Material); I obviously plan on just releasing the project files for free on the forum for anybody to look at and play around with to learn a few things (or lose some brain cells, either one).

So my question is, am I allowed to release the project files containing the assets, or do I have to remove the assets (such as Landscape Auto Material, etc.) before releasing it for free?


Source: Häufig gestellte Fragen - Unreal Engine

So if you have a project which uses marketplace content you are allowed to sell your project.

You can release your project if it is a finished game and people can no longer edit it. However if they are able to edit your project and look at the source files (which includes marketplace content) then that goes against the marketplace license agreement. (You’re essentially setting marketplace assets in the wild for free)

So if you’re looking to release your project files, and people can access the marketplace content, then you have to remove that marketplace content before releasing.

Thanks for the response. Perfect answer. :slight_smile: