Properties declared on Actors are also visible on inherited components

Hi everyone!
Whenever I create a new property on an Actor (in BP or in CPP) I am able to view/edit this property from the detail panel of the actor even if I select a Component (ActorComponent or SceneComponent). That happens only with components that were attached in Cpp.

for exemple :

// In the actor's header file, I declare   
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Movement|Jumping")  
	float JumpHeight = 120.0f;  

// In the class constructor I create the component  
PawnSensor = CreateDefaultSubobject<UPawnSensingComponent>(TEXT("Pawn Sensor"));

Then, when I select the component in the editor, I can still edit the property from the Actor.


The issue with this is that after a while and with many editable properties, It makes it very hard for the artists to access only the properties relevant to the component.

Is this the normal behavior or is there some way to avoid this?