February 15, 2017, 2:54pm
Are there any most recent and well supported Project Tango plugins for UE4 ? (with full exposure to Blueprints)
P.S. This is the only thing I found GitHub - unktomi-g/ProjectTangoPlugin: The Project Tango Plugin - fixes for UE 4.14.3 and there is no way to get in touch with the dev to find out how to use it
have you tried here:
Doubt you will find anything more to be honest. There are two example projects included so should be good for a start.
February 15, 2017, 8:48pm
Tried. It’s an obsolete project. I saw a fork of it for 4.14, but apparently it doesn’t do much.
Can you tell us the name or link of the fork?
February 22, 2017, 2:53pm
Yep, here it is: GitHub - unktomi-g/ProjectTangoPlugin: The Project Tango Plugin - fixes for UE 4.14.3
I hope someone can bring it to 4.15 and also expand/improve its functionality. Apparently only basic stuff works (to my understanding there is no object tracking, no room reconstruction and stitching/saving, etc.)