[FREE] Project Elementus - Custom Third-Person Project w/ Extra Features

AMD released a new version of FSR that supports D3D12, Vulkan and UE5, but this template project will continue using FSR 1.0 due to DirectX 11 users.

If you want to use FSR 2.0, follow the steps outlined by AMD in GPU Open: How to use the AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2 (FSR 2) Unreal Engine Plugin - GPUOpen

AMD has released the new FSR version which supports:

  • DirectX 12.
  • Vulkan.
  • Unreal Engine 4.26/4.27 and Unreal Engine 5 as a plugin from the Unreal Marketplace.

Check it out at GPU Open and/or Unreal Engine Marketplace!

AMD on using with D3D11: Developers interested in using DirectX 11 should contact their AMD representative about this topic.

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Hello devs! : )

I’m trying to be fully transparent with the development of this template and my other projects.

The current progress and next steps will be updated frequently here and in the GitHub Project that i’ve created for this project and creating a GitHub Issue per bug/enhancement/etc.

I’ll also comment out the issues with the current progress and reference each commit by the issues and related branches, as you can see:

That way, you’ll be able to closely follow how the project is developing and, if you’re interested, feel free to comment and suggest additions! : )

As the project is free and open source, feel free to fork the repository, submit pull requests and contact me.

GitHub Project Board

GitHub Issues

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Work in Progress

Inventory System

I’m currently implementing and testing a new (and free) inventory system based on Data Assets with Load/Unload managed via Asset Manager. Sounds interesting, but I plan to explore more ways before releasing it.

In the image below I was testing a Package Actor (like a bag item or something similar xD) and how the current progress handles simulated “trades” between the package and the player’s inventory. Everything is going well, maybe this is a good thing? xD

More details: Add Items & Inventory functionality (github.com)


Work in Progress

Inventory System

Currently implementing a Editor Module to help users manage the items directly via this window.
Also created a separate repository to this plugin: lucoiso/UEElementusInventory


It’s AMAZING to see a fellow brazilian SO TALENTED here on the Unreal Engine Community. Congratulations mano véi :grinning:


Thankss! : )

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Inventory System

Created a forum thread and a separated repository to share the updates.


A Unreal Engine plugin that provides a Data-Driven Inventory & Items system based on FPrimaryAssetIds and the Asset Manager.


Tab Invoker

Custom Panel

Item Creator




Project Elementus v0.5.1a:

Full Changelog: Comparing v0.5.0a...v0.5.1a · lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus · GitHub


Project Elementus v0.5.0a

New Features


Release Project Elementus v0.5.0a · lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus (github.com)

What’s Changed

Full Changelog: Comparing v0.4.1a...v0.5.0a · lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus · GitHub

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LOL! I literally was JUST compiling the code from the last batch and now you pop up this one.

Nice looking work, installing it now.

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Updated the project (Again xD) and created a simple example project for the new inventory system plugin:

Project Elementus v0.5.1a:

Full Changelog: Comparing v0.5.0a…v0.5.1a · lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus · GitHub



Inventory System

The Inventory System is still a work in progress but there’s some features already implemented, and a lot of adjustments were made in the entire project.

And also, the working branch is working well with Unreal Engine 5.1 Preview 1! : )

:white_check_mark: Working with the current UE5.1 Preview 1 ver.

Branch: lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus at feature/EQUIP-26 (github.com)

As the main work branch is currently using UE5.1 Preview 1, I created a new branch working with UE5.0 to not force the use of unreal engine 5.1 as it still contains some unstable stuff: lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus at feature/EQUIP-26-UE5_0 (github.com)

Do you have an overview on how Project Elements works with a Lyra-inspired workflow?

Sorry, I haven’t explored Lyra very well so I can’t really answer how it would work. :S

Project Elementus v0.6.0a1

What’s Changed

  1. Inventory System working with Multiplayer
  2. New Task and Ability: Move Camera (Aim) & Shoot (w/ Pistol)
  3. Updated EOS SDK
  4. Weapon: Pistol Example
  5. SetByCaller support for Cost & Cooldown effects
  6. Reduced project size by removing unnecessary content
  7. More helper functions
  8. Moved the project to UE5.1

Full Changelog: Comparing v0.5.1a...v0.6.0a1 · lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus · GitHub

Last release for UE5.0: Development Release - Project Elementus v0.6.0a - UE5.0 (github.com)

Project Elementus v0.6.1a

Release: Project Elementus v0.6.1a (github.com)

What’s Changed

  • Adjustments to allow packaging
  • Level adjustments
  • Rendering adjustments
  • Small optimizations


What’s Changed

  1. Inventory System working with Multiplayer
  2. New Task and Ability: Move Camera (Aim) & Shoot (w/ Pistol)
  3. Updated EOS SDK
  4. Weapon: Pistol Example
  5. SetByCaller support for Cost & Cooldown effects
  6. Reduced project size by removing unnecessary content
  7. More helper functions
  8. Moved the project to UE5.1

Your project seems to big for github by now. “This repository is over its data quota. Account responsible for LFS bandwidth should purchase more data packs to restore access.” See error below while cloning it.

$ git clone git@github.com:lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus.git
Cloning into ‘UEProject_Elementus’…
remote: Enumerating objects: 13860, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1066/1066), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (642/642), done.
remote: Total 13860 (delta 421), reused 948 (delta 381), pack-reused 12794
Receiving objects: 100% (13860/13860), 168.15 MiB | 12.52 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4502/4502), done.
Updating files: 100% (616/616), done.
Downloading Content/Main/Blueprints/Actors/Interactable/BP_Door.uasset (154 KB)
Error downloading object: Content/Main/Blueprints/Actors/Interactable/BP_Door.uasset (d1f3798): Smudge error: Error downloading Content/Main/Blueprints/Actors/Interactable/BP_Door.uasset (d1f3798909ea6d43c199f227d62d40950b0506224f3e544a29a89f9b41c6a799): batch response: This repository is over its data quota. Account responsible for LFS bandwidth should purchase more data packs to restore access.

Errors logged to ‘C:\GameDev\UEProject_Elementus.git\lfs\logs\20221105T122141.8549583.log’.
Use git lfs logs last to view the log.
error: external filter ‘git-lfs filter-process’ failed
fatal: Content/Main/Blueprints/Actors/Interactable/BP_Door.uasset: smudge filter lfs failed
warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.
You can inspect what was checked out with ‘git status’
and retry with ‘git restore --source=HEAD :/’

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Better choice is gitlab to unreal engine, because has more space to free accounts 5gb

To use github needs pay or get some pro account.

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Oops. In the last few days, I was talking to GitHub support to reduce the consumed LFS storage quota (because the project was consuming way more than necessary and they only provide 1gb of Git LFS quota for free), in the process I forgot to buy 1 additional data pack. xD

Now, the project is currently consuming only 183 MB and there is bandwidth quota available, the problem must have been fixed!

You can now clone the project and use the command to initialize the plugins that are added as submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Thanks for responding that fast. Build with ue5.1 source, works great. Thanks! That said, here is some constructive criticism. I am not a fan of enumeration to set abilities. Valley of the Ancient Tech Showcase had a great way to add abilities to an actor with input mapping and input actions. A pretty good explanation: [UE5] Episode 08 - Modular Gameplay Features (Abilities) | Gameplay Ability System Basics - YouTube . His github project is in the description below his video. All credit to: Leonard Parisi Keep up the good work! I hope the little github injection also helps :wink:

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That looks great!

I’m currently using a plugin I created during Unreal 5’s Early Access (UEModularFeatures_ExtraActions), but unfortunately, I haven’t added any relevant updates until then. I’ll start working more on this plugin and apply some similar things to improve usability, including the choice to use or not enums. : )