I have my main menu widget (few buttons) … it works fine, now it spawns some ‘player details’ menu (via blueprint ‘CreateWidget’ & ‘AddToViewport’)
in that new widget all buttons works just fine, TextBox for entering user name works just fine (gains focus when clicked, then I could enter text), BUT all other controlls (especially Slider and CheckBox) are not interactive at all,
any idea WHY ?
(they are childs of canvas panel (canvas panel Visibility == Visible, IsEnabled == true), and they are to visible & enabled, buttons & TextBoxes placed inside that same CanvasPanel are interactive, is it’s probably not a focus/input thing ?)
Thanks for any hint on this.
BTW. It’s mobile project, and after packaging and pushing to real device (Android) the behaviour is that same as with mouse [Buttons & Textboxes are interactive, the rest is not].
BTW2. If I hover mouse over checkbox the tooltip is shown, so at least hit-test works fine, any other idea why I cannot click it ?
OK, if i unselect “Use mouse for touch” … all works fine in editor … but on device only buttons works … so til 4.10 now … and maybe even android startup splashscreen will be supported finally in 4.10 (epic first mentioned it just around 4.7, but it did’nt make even into 4.9 :]) … I’m slowly starting to regret that I’v chosed UE4 for my mobile project