Problem with IAssetRegistry::GetDependencies

This piece of code should return all dependencies of the selected levels (if any are selected in the content browser) but the TArray<FName> Referencers is empty. AssetRegistry and ContentBrowser are initialized elsewhere and are valid (I use them in other places without error).

	TArray<FAssetData> SelectedAssets;
	TArray<FName> Referencers;
	if (SelectedAssets.Num() > 0)
		for (FAssetData AssetData : SelectedAssets)
			if (AssetData.AssetClass.IsEqual(*UWorld::StaticClass()->GetName()))
				FName PackageName = AssetData.ObjectPath;
				AssetRegistry->GetReferencers(PackageName, Referencers);
				AssetRegistry->GetDependencies(PackageName, Referencers);