Problem with animation blending

Hello, I set up a simple animation blending between 3 states:


Now, the animations blend very well till they are done in the order idle->running->sprinting

But if I go the other way, so release my left shift key (which I use for sprinting) there is no blending but it instantly changes pose to running, or to idle.

How can I fix this?

I’m sorry for the question, but I’m very new to animation blending in UE.

that’s my animation bp:

bump, any help?

I am running into the same issue. I had two animations blending together nicely and then tried to add a third one and now the change is instant

how are you driving the blendSpace? velocity? custom attribute? By default the braking friction is set so high that the character comes to an instant stop. Make that a bit lower so the character brakes a bit slower.
An other way (in addition, which is what I use) is to have a custom attribute, something like “speedMode” or so… 0 is idle, 1 is walk, 2 is run and 3 is sprint. Then I set that smoothly when the sprint/walk keys are pressed. That is what I use to drive max walk speed, and also the blendSpaces for movement.