Prevent Sprite from getting pushed behind TileMap

I hope this is the right place for this.
I’m working on a 2D game using PaperTitleMaps and Sprites, and I’m have this very odd bug happen, on some of my enemy sprites If I jump on top of them, they will act fine for a bit then suddenly they will move on the Y-Axis and be pushed behind the TitleMap and become inaccessible. Is there a way to prevent this from happening, like maybe a way to lock them at a specific value on the Y-Axis

There is however a node that allows you to set the “focus” or bring a particular sprite to the “foreground”. I am sorry for being vague, but I have completely forgotten what the node is called. I used it in my 2D game: Love Is In The Space on Steam.

In the worst case, simply change the TileMap layer depth, and make sure the character is placed /spawned in a location reasonable to the layer depth of the TileMap.