Pressure Plate/check if actor is 100% inside a volume

Is there a way to see if an object is 100% inside a volume?

The idea is to have the player move objects onto the plate and once it reaches a specified weight it will trigger the event.

I have a BP of my plate with a box collision and a variable for activation weight it checks against the objects in the volume and gets its weight if the weight is equal to the specified weight it triggers the event

The problem. The only option i know of is begin overlap, so if say 1 crate is heavy enough to trigger the plate it will fire the event as soon as the crate hits the volume instead of it being all the way into it

Any help would be amazing



You could make a small collision box so that it’s absolutely necessary to have things very close before it works.

that’s what i was afraid i would have to do, that or surround it with other collision boxes and check to make sure it has left those boxes aswell

You could place a couple of boxes if you really wanted to go that route. Then you have to place them so that, whenever the box is on the button it HAS to touch all the boxes you made at the same time for it to be considered valid.

that might work
thanks for your input…

Yeah small collision area or extra collision around the area and just make sure that they are only touching the collision on the object and not the collision around the object