Hey guys,
I have a question regarding portals (the rendering effect from the game portal):
Where exactly do you position the SceneCapture2d in order to get a realistic effect?
I am currently rendering from a SceneCapture to a RenderTarget and displaying that on a plane. Now I want that plane to look like it leads to another plane, and to also look like the player is looking through the other plane. To achieve that, I tried a simple (not dynamic at all, atm the other portal has to face the opposite way of the first one, but I will get to that) Blueprint, which looks like this:
Here the two triggerboxes symbolize the 2 portals. As you can see the SceneCapture has the same rotation as the player (the portals are facing each other, so that is correct) and it gets moved to the position relative to the TriggerBox1, that the Player has relative to TriggerBox2. That should be the right approach I think, but then the SceneCapture is behind the second portal, so it of course also renders the stuff behind the portal, and also the back wall of that portal. Is the positioning approach right in your eyes, and is there a way to make the SceneCapture only render certain objects or something similar?
I have been using Unreal Engine 4 for about 3 hours now, so I am not really a experienced user yet
Thanks in advance