Pls help me

Hey there,

if I build my Game (development/shipping,Win32/Win64) everything i fine, but if I want to start it, I can see the Game for a short time and then it closes. If I want to start it again nothing happens :frowning:
I build i severall times but nothng changes :,(
Im using Win8 64

PLS help me if you can


Hi Legend, as mentioned try with Steam switched off, i hve this issue with the shootergame demo when i try the packaged/build version

also you might need to copy the content of your default-ini files into the packaged-ini files

Also what happens when you open your game with the shipping.exe? -> Engine/Binaries/Win64 :slight_smile:

Hi .

#1 what did you mean with steam???
#2 It happens the same :frowning:


Geodav means that you should switch off steam (the program where you can play and buy games -> e.g it’s like origin from EA) before you start your game :slight_smile:

  • could you probably upload the game somewhere so that I can test some stuff?
  • what happens when you choose another startup map?

#1 here is the Win64 shipping game


#2 this changes nothing :frowning:

So you get the same result when you start it with the shipping.exe? :slight_smile:

Haha sry i forgott the Link but you this too


Hmm, ok, it seems to be a computer related problem -> when I start the .exe, I can play the game without a crash :confused:
Try to run it as an admin

I now got the problem:Its the Mainmenue Map. If its load the game crashes -_-

Also when you open it in the editor? -> open the map, change some things - save it under a new name - try it again