Please improve the bug tracker search

These days I read about a bug from v4.7 about component visualizers. That all I know.
I want to find which is the bug but I couldn’t.

The advanced search is not working for me.

As said: “Add affects:4.7 to search for this affected version to your search”. For example, it doesn’t work if you isert a space after. I found out after finding a bug, clicking on the version number and reading the search generated.

Examples and longer explanation needed on the about tab. Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (About)

Searching “visualizers Affects:4.7” <— Doesn’t work. Shows 455 pages of bugs with no “visualizers” word.

Apart from fixing these kind of things, there should seriously be at least these options to make search easier and faster:

  • Search only title instad of contents.
  • Search all words adding “” like in google, for example (searching for just component visualizers with no quotes is not working)
  • Select several components affected at once with checkboxes in the list instead of just one.
  • Select several statuses at one with checkboxes.
  • Search FROM version (affects 4.9 or higher)
  • Search from YEAR or exact year in which it was notified if you don’t know exactly when
  • List bugs that I’m voting that matter to me, as stated in this other post: See list of voted bugs on bugtracker - Feedback & Requests - Epic Developer Community Forums

Otherwise it’s impossible to search anything. It has been impossible all the times I tried.

Thanks a lot.

Hi darkgaze.

I’m not sure if the bug report you are looking for actually exists. I’ve searched our internal database to see if there was an older bug report which we hadn’t published to the website, and I don’t see anything regarding component visualizers affecting the 4.7 release. It is possible it was written with different wording.

Thanks for the feedback.

This wasn’t the point of my post, but thanks.

I was just mentioning a case. In case it wasn’t in the 4.7 , I don’t have a way to find this fast. All those errors mentioned are happening, I don’t care about that particular bug.

Search doesn’t work if you include several words; it needs more options and better advanced options in general.

All those things made it impossible to find the bug in v4.7 or any other version and status. I tried other words and didn’t work either.