Please Help me I Cant Efford Myself Lose My Project

Guys please help i was an issue with the work pc , and i without any backup of my project however the blueprint isnt my problem to restore the rest of the project is my main issue , since doing all the maps and and animation and character will be trouble thing if i cant restore that the only thing i have after extracted compiled game the only thing have now is (uasset, uexp) files of the game
from that point i totally lost, i will pay for someone who can help me in my case but i cant efford myself to lose it , file restoe software wont help me becuse this is a work pc and i am not alloweed to use that pc for a extrenal softwares, by my manager.

Well, if it’s on a PC you’re not allowed to do anything on, what do you expect people to do? Working with computers isn’t magic.

Why is your only copy of your project on a work pc you’re not allowed to manipulate? Wouldn’t UE4 be “external software”?