I have an “weaponbench” actor,where the player goes there and uses it to change variables(static meshes,weapon parts)to modify the current held gun.This widget,this menu,pops up when you are using the weaponbench but i need to access the “widget menu input” custom event node so i can send every button pressed on the widget, to change a variable on the weaponbench actor, therefore, modifying the gun characteristics.But how do i cast this? I have no idea what to put in the “object” thing and i tried everithing from the menu!
You need to already have a weapon bench reference stored for that to work.
If you don’t have one (for instance by getting it during an event onbeginoverlap)
Then you have to go out and find one.
You can do that with nodes like GetAllActorsOfClass, choosing weapon bench actor class,
And then for each loop through the list of all weaponbenches in the world and find the one with the smallest distance to the player who owns the menu widgets.
But I think it would be easier just to grab the reference when you overlap a volume the weaponbench has. Then it implies that is the weapon bench you are using.
great idea! Thank you man!
Another way (in my opinion i think this is a safer way) would be to make the variable “Instance Editable” and “Expose on Spawn”, the when you create the widget (in the character blueprint i imagine), there will be a pin on the create widget node which you can connect the weapon bench actor reference to. If you need more details just leave a comment. Hopefully this helps you.