I’m working in Unreal 5.1 trying to make this happen in sequence:
Pawn moves to location, plays animation, goes back to original location.
But, what’s actually happening is:
Pawn moves to location, does nothing, goes back to original location.
Here is my blueprint. I’ve tried both Montage Play and Play Anim Montage. The output is going to the delay command, so at least I know it’s getting the duration out of the Montage. It’s just not actually playing it.
I’m using an asset I downloaded from the Unreal MarketPlace. It’s a Paragon character that comes with everything including the animations and Montages I’m using. The character itself plays a montage when it enters the game, but it is called from the animation blueprint itself. I want to play these montages from the pawn blueprint. Is it not possible? I’ve seen posts mentioning the possibility of having different slots, but that seems alright too. The mesh is also compatible since they came together as a package, so that’s not it either. I’m not sure what’s the issue here.