Hey guys,
I am procedurally generating a level. When I’m done with that, I want to use the following code in order to move the playerStart, that already exists in the level to a specific position. When I try that, however, the PlayerStart gets moved to a completely different position and I get the warning
LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: Trying
to move static component
after initialization
Here’s my code:
TActorIterator<APlayerStart> playerStart(GetWorld());
playerStart->SetActorLocation(startingPoint + offsetVector+ FVector(0, 0, 5));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Set Spawnpoint to %s, real position is now %s"), *(startingPoint + offsetVector + FVector(0, 0, 5)).ToCompactString(), *playerStart->GetActorLocation().ToCompactString());
The Log has the following output:
Set Spawnpoint to V(X=-338.60,
Y=-3130.88, Z=-1275.23), real position
is now V(X=329913.38, Y=-471241.31,
How do I fix that?