Plagiarism Warning!

Hey everyone, I just wanted to take the time to bring this to all of your attention. yesterday I was browsing through some facebook artists groups and discovered a group of people have been plagiarising my work and others aswell. They go by the name ‘inside studio’ and have been taking peoples showreel videos, removing the credits and adding there own watermark. They have even been plagiarising some of the epic videos.

This is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. I would like other artists to visit there pages on facebook, youtube or google+ to flag them and make sure your work has also not been stolen.

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there does seem to be something fishy about that studio, witch stuff is yours?

I kept flagging him up and spamming his name everywhere so he eventually removed it to prevent any further ridicule. He eventually started sending me hate messages and blocked me on everything so now i cant really do much. he posted my sci fi corridor i made in cryengine and tried to pass it off as UE4 to get more publicity.

if they plagiarised epic videos : How To Report Suspected Piracy - Feedback & Requests - Epic Developer Community Forums : send a mail there.
and : send a pm to then he will update this thread.

Thanks Fen for making me aware of the other forums, i have notified them and this should speed up the process of this getting dealt with. :slight_smile:

I never understood why people would plagiarize. What if they got hired? They would have to produce a quality of work that they are clearly not capable of. Doesn’t make any sense. :confused:

**** dude thanks for sharing. I will look into this.

Edit: wow! I can’t say Cr4p? It censored it :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not sure they were claiming the things were their work, they may have just been posting random things

Keep in mind that this forum is for all ages. Some adults seem to have high sensibility for slight profanity, they must be protected.

Exactly what I thought, it doesn’t say that they did that. They just posted it there.

Hahaha. Yes.

I just saw this thread. I would definitely be willing to have a look at this case. I will respond to your request as quickly as possible. This is not acceptable.