PhysX - APEX Clothing stretches to the ground, I may be missing a step.

I follow every other tutorial out there to add APEX clothing to a character but once I apply the file it stretches, someone told me to use a lower scale on painting but even at 0.5 it does the same, maybe I am missing something important but I can’t figure out what it is, I am using Maya 2016 and PhysX exporter plugin 3-3-4.

ok i don’t use maya but via other 3d programs you need to skin the top of the skirt to a seperate bone as the rest, also make sure you have reset the scale of the cloth mesh before you start doing the physx side

btw i don’t see the skirt in the second image

quick tip, be more careful about nudity on the forum that include topless images which in some countries is for 18+ even for computer generated content