I have a BP that applies radius damage to destructibles in actor. Everything was OK in 4.20. But when i migrtated to 4.21 something strange started to happen. It is the same BP, nothing was changed and suddenly physics is going crazy.
Take a look at the video (it’s 11s :)) The first situation is from 4.20, the second from 4.21.
They look a little different because i forgot to destroy actor in the first scene, but it doesn’t change a thing.
Any idea what is going on? Is it a bug or did i miss something?
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Not for me. I have CCD unchecked…
The problem is that i can’t replicate this error in fresh project. When i copy just actors to a new project, everything is working fine. When i migrate a whole level it’s ,messed up again.
If your destructible mesh is inside a blueprint, try putting the destructible mesh in the world by itself without the blueprint and see what happens that’s what I did I drug the destructible mesh into the world and shot at it and it worked perfectly by then but the blueprint end of the world that has two destructible mesh in it and that’s when it acted crazy so then I narrowed it down to something within the blueprint so mine was CCD collision option years maybe something else good luck
Im sorry i took me so long, i wasn’t working on my project for i while, but i have found what was the problem and it is crazy.
So the actual thing in the BP, that caused the problem was changing the scale of destructible after event begin play!
I wasn’t expecting that! I tried everything and then by accident i found that when when im changing world scale 3d to a new one the problem occurs, and when i am not changing it everything is ok. I was able to replicate it in clean project so i will submit it as a bug.