I want to make a feature for players to use a physical map on a wall in the game. I want the players to be able to look at the map and interact with it in order to choose what level they will play. Sort of like “hey let’s go here and purchase the level for $10,000 in game money” and then the destination (Level) is circled in red and then players can go to that level when they go to start the game.
I currently have the interaction and widget system available but no map.
The players travel to the level by holding down E on a car outside the house
I want the map to be inside the house.
I don’t have any clue on how to start, so I’m looking for help. Do i look into dynamic materials or should it be a widget I don’t know. And even if I did know I wouldn’t know where to start with the functionality of that like purchasing the level, circling the destination in red, and then I think it would be pretty easy to cast to the car outside to say what level should be opened from there.
Anyone have any ideas or thinks to look for, and also replication is an issue obviously.