Persistent UE4 Google Hangout

This seems to be a growing thing.

This time, this Google Hangout is persistent, so if people keep using this link instead of spawning new ones, even when the hangout dies, this will still be the hangout to use.

Definitely some interesting things being done, made, and tested.

Great hangouts :), A lot of people from the skype group also hanging out! So everyone come join us for fun and happy times :smiley:

Cool group of people, many laughs to be had but overall a fun group to chill with while working

Hangouts are fun :smiley:

I screen-cast from time to time on the hangout, it’s great fun. Super helpful if you need advice and such.

Too bad there isn’t a push to talk.

Set up a redirect to the persistent hangout on for easy access :smiley: