Permission to use UE4 content?

Hi, making several maps that would excel using the content from some example projects, like the lighting and particles demo.

They will be used for non-commercial purposes. Portfolio mainly.

Would like to know if this is possible and if I need to state the name of someone in particular in the credits.


Take a look at this thread: https://answers.unrealengine/questions/21462/can-we-use-stuff-from-samples-like-rocks-and-trees.html :slight_smile:

“Any content you have received related to Unreal Engine 4 Per-Seat is free to use in your game.”

Amazing, thanks for the hasty reply. Will post here my creation once complete :slight_smile:

Nice, looking forward to see what you will create with those assets :smiley:

As promised, this is in the works:


Keep in mind this is my first week using UE4 :slight_smile: