so i have a Problem. my Sessions are working (im using Steamworks as a Subsystem and im having 2 different PCs here) but the Character does not get replicated. I can say 100% that the Session is working. (debugged it)
that are my Settings. Do you guys have any Idea? I was trying out alot.
I have a multiplayer instance working with those settings so I’d need some more info before I could help.
How are you moving them? Are you able to replicate other things, such as variables on the Pawns or other objects in the level? Is the update coming from a Net Owner (for example are these pawns being moved by the possessing client as opposed to an object in the game moving them)? Do you see both Pawns but only one client moves one and the other client movies the other?
I’m not too familiar with using Steamworks, how are you connecting the clients and is it launching a dedicated or listen server?
the PlayerController is completly empty. I will post you some Screenshots.
I was not able to replicate Variables (i tried it with a boolean) but replicating
Variablies trough the “Extra Settings” does work (im using the ‘Advanced Sessions’ Plugin, its not much of a difference to the normal Sessions but you get some nice extra Stuff).
^is working. The Player Name is printed correctly.
I’m not too familiar with using Steamworks, how are you connecting the clients and is it launching a dedicated or listen server?
Its a listen Server.