I am trying to spawn an AI actor to follow a path. If I place the AI into the world, it works great. I have a variable “DesiredNode”, and its value is “PathNode”, which tells the AI to go to the first node in the path. But when I spawn them into the world, the DesiredNode appears, but the value comes in as None. Does anyone have any experience with this and know a work around? I believe its a known bug. I am trying to figure out a way to get the spawned AI to the first node in the path. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thats because you are setting that 1 manually when you place the actor in there. When you spawn 1 it’s not replicating that actor you have spawned, it’s creating a new 1, so obviously that variable should be empty because you haven’t chosen it.
It’s not a bug, it’s just the logicl way things are.
If you want to use that 1 and replicate it then you will need to get that variable and store it somewhere and then set it on the newly spawned actor.
You need to put in the blueprint something that sets that value for it. If you manually spawn 1 in the world then save that value and post it over to your game instance or something and then when you spawn the new 1 read that variable from there to set its value on the newly spawned actor
I really appreciate your reply, but if you create a path node, the value is not editable, so there does not seem to be a way to set it somewhere else. Even in a level BP