Passing Inputs through in a MF inside an MF


I’m following some different tutorials on creating a Landscape AutoMaterial, whilst also using the new methods like Material Layer and Material Layer Blend to use them in the Layer Parameters, so I don’t have to keep copy/pasting Blueprints nodes if I want to add another layer.
I have an Material Function called BlendTexture to blend tiles closeby with tiles far away. In there I also have some Blueprint that rotate the tiles nearby, to break up visible tiling (a method I found from the Ben Cloward tutorials). Here, the Normals are a special case and need the Red and Green channel switched. Which I also got working with using the same nodes, but adding a StaticBool and a Switch. Actually, everything about it works.

As I want my code to be a bit cleaner, I put the rotation Blueprint into a MF of its own and use that MF in the Blendtexture MF. Everything still works, but for some reason it doesn’t flip the Normals anymore. For some reason, the Bool value doesn’t seem to be passed from one MF to another. So what am I doing wrong?

Here are some screenshots:

MF RotateTiling

MF BlendTexture
The bit in the comment section is the same as in RotateTiling. Currently still in there because I can’t the the passthrough to work right.
The highlighted node is the MF RotateTiling (clearly). When I hook this one up to the same Lerp, flipping the Normals doesn’t work anymore. As you can see, I have it hooked up to the same StaticBool.

Here is a snippet of my base Material Layer, where you see MF BlendTexture hooked up to a Normal and to a Roughness.

Can anyone help?
