Particle effects underwater

Hi, I need to create a stream of bubbles from a spinning underwater propeller … I created the particle effect with Niagara and it works fine on air but if I move the propeller underwater particles disappears while their shadows are still rendered.
The water volume is created using the official water plugin effect and I would like to keep using this plugin for a number of feature I need in the final product.
Someone tried this ? Right now I tried it only on UE4-27 but I’m was thinking to switch on UE5.

Hello Welcome back weirdgyn.

This is quite interesting. So I grabbed a Niagara I happened to have in my level and you are right, the particles do not show well at all. I noticed this may have something to do with the post processing of the water.

At this point, I would make a copy of the post processing material and tinker with the copy. I did not get great results, but it looks like it may have something to do with the SceneTexture: Post processInput0 node.

I look forward to your reply and if anyone else has recommendations, I am excited to hear about them.

you tried it on UE5 or UE4-27?
Maybe using 3D objects instead sprites may work?