Paper2D movement issue?

I’m not a 100% sure if it’s down to the performance of my mac or due to the camera isn’t moving smoothly but there seems to be some issue’s trying to get my character to move smoothly on my maps. Coming from Unity where smooth movement could be achieved by lerping the movement by delta time or some other technique it would look good but I much prefer the work flow in Unreal Engine and would rather continue working with it.

Here are a couple of videos one in the editor and one of the packaged game its quite hard to see but as I move the tile map is jumping rather than a smooth continuos movement is there something i’m missing?

[video]- YouTube
[video]- YouTube

could you press ~ and type StatFPS ?
Then report back with the number



Flickers between 84/85FPS

The gpu is pushing out more frames than the monitor can handle, so it skips some, resulting in the shutters you see.

Cap the game to the monitors refresh rate.


Wow, that’s done it thanks a lot such a simple thing!