Paper2d collision bug, walking on scaled sprites, or geometry

Having some major issues with Paper2d sprite collsion. (Using Paper2d template character). I have tried to solve this by setting Sprite component to no collision, that didn’t help.

When walking on non-scaled geometry character will walk for a bit and eventually get stuck way up in air away from ground (Geometry box is level with bottom of hills).

When walking on scaled sprites, collision also goes crazy as in this video:


Hey tebruno99,

I set up a new project from SideScroller2D template and I am not seeing this behavior. I extended basic platforms and default MyCharacter and ran for a long while without that happening. I also tried scaling platform sprites and didn’t have any trouble there. What are you using for your platform? If you attach a test asset for me, I may be able to find where problem is. Thanks!

I did exact same steps as well, and this is result (It is getting worse):
This happens both on Windows 7 and OSX 10.9.5.

Full Project:

Machine Stats:
27" iMac with 1080P 2nd Monitor
OSX 10.9.5
Nvidia GT780M 4GB
32GB ram
Unreal Engine 4.4.3

HP Z800
Windows 7 SP1
1x 1080P Display
Intel Dual Quad 2.66ghz X5550
Nvidia GT650 Ti 2GB
96 GB ram
Unreal Engine 4.4.3

Okay, I see it now. It seems to happen more larger platform is scaled out. I’m also seeing it on Geometry. I have entered a bug report for our developers to look at (TTP# 347382). I will let you know when I see an update on that. Thanks for report!

I’m finding that this also happens on very large non-scaled meshes, only jitter is so small you can barely notice it. Thanks for bug report hookup!