Is it possible to use painted foliage Rocks, trees, grass, etc… mineable or able interact with individual instances of the object? It looks like items become instanced together when painting on foliage. So for the sake of creating a survival game if you made tree’s farmable for wood and you had used the Foliage painting tool. Is it possible to still make a tree you run into in the world interactable or does using the foliage painting system make that impossible?
I tried that in my game, it works but there are replication issues. For example if you destroy a tree and a client connects, he will be able to see that tree. The closest workaround I found is to make a vector array in my game state with the locations of destroyed foliage, and the clients would look for any foliage on those locations and destroy them. I didn’t exactly like that so I don’t use foliage now, but you can give it a go if you’d like. You’d need to use a line trace and try to cast it to foliage instance (better make custom foliage instances). Then reduce HP and destroy(or just hide and remove collision) if HP is 0.