Packed Level Blueprints and Lightmaps for Mobile (Quest 2)

I’m in the process of whiteboxing an environment, and during this process have been testing various lighting techniques. For the whiteboxing, I’ve been using the in-engine modeling tools, and created a variety of packed level blueprints. When baking the lighting, the lightmaps show their respective resolution qualities, and channel use, etc. However, when previewing Vulkan (target device will be Quest 2), the lightmaps look like they are reading from the wrong channel or something. I can’t pin-point where this break is happening. Each asset used for the level instancing has a dedicated lightmap channel.
Any thoughts on what might be causing this? Relatively new to level instancing techniques, so any guidance is appreciated.

No-preview example:

Vulkan Preview (and tested on device looks about the same as this):

Never fail to find the solution a few hours after posting…
The original problem was in 5.1.
Migrating to 5.2 solved the issue.


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