Packaging Paths failed and how to solve packaging error

Hello for some reason my packaging build failed I have no idea how to fix this issue. It has to do with the paths inside the folder or unreal engine for sure. I don’t know how to fix the paths. Where do I begin is what I mean if someone could provide a detail explanation that would be much appreciated and thank you for your time.

File paths I don’t know where to find.

LogInit: Display: LogPackageName: Error: DoesPackageExist: DoesPackageExist FAILED: '/SunPosition/SunSky' is not a standard unreal filename or a long path name. Reason: Path does not start with a valid root. Path must begin with: '/Engine/', '/Game/', '/Paper2D/', '/AnimationSharing/', '/GeometryMode/', '/SpeedTreeI
mporter/', '/ChaosNiagara/', '/ChaosClothEditor/', '/ChaosSolverPlugin/', '/GeometryProcessing/', '/GeometryCollectionPlugin/', '/Niagara/', '/MotoSynth/', '/MediaCompositing/', '/DatasmithContent/', '/MagicLeap/', '/MagicLeapPassableWorld/', '/AudioSynesthesia/', '/PostSplashScreen/', '/Synthesis/', '/OculusVR/', '/SteamVR/', '/Config/', '/Script/', '/Extra
/', '/Memory/', or '/Temp/'

I solved this error by including the map path in the list of levels to use in the edit project settings tab.