Packaging my Demo

Deleted this as well!!

yea I just changed the cast to to actually cast to the players bp

Okay, now we might have reached the end of the errors!

So, now try to package the game!
If it fails, then upload the new logs so I can research it.

OkaY FOR SURE!! About to right now man lets see what happens!

How did it go?

16 hours later man and it still failed :frowning:
Fraudulent Idols.log (106.4 KB)

Ok, go to your game’s Project Settings, then Packaging, and enable “Full Rebuild”. Then try packaging again.

lol woww that wasn’t checked off. Okay just checked it off and brought back everything the game couldn’t load before. Now I have to rebuild the lighting oh lord! lol

Yeah, you should disable “Full Rebuild” once you’ve done it once, as it is normally unnecessary.

Just attempted again but still no success regretfully.

Fraudulent Idols.log (478.0 KB)