Packaging Fails (4.11.2)

Hi all,

I hope anyone can help me. When I build my project all is fine, I get no errors. But when I package the project, it fails on me. I have no clue, so I hope somehere see’s the problem. Visual C+ is checked under programming Languages. I’m making a artproject for VR, it contains mostly lights, 3ds modes and sprites.Enclosed a screenshot and the logfile. Thanks a lot!


Hi VRVisuals,

We ran into some issues that resulted in the error message you provided a few versions of the Engine back, but those were fixed. I tried to recreate those error messages but was unable to do so. Would you be able to provide any additional information about your project that may help us determine what is happening?

  • Are you using the Binary version of the Engine, or did you build the Engine from source code?
  • Is your project a Blueprint-only project, or does it include code?
  • Are you only packaging from inside the Editor?

Hi ,

Thanks for your respons. Here are my answers:

Are you using the Binary version of the Engine, or did you build the Engine from source code?
I am using the binary version.

Is your project a Blueprint-only project, or does it include code?
I havent done anything with code, I don’t even know how that works.I do use the interactive light system from the marketplace (Michal Orzelek’s). And I use some sprites for wall-decoration.

Are you only packaging from inside the Editor?
Yes I do: windows 64 bit

I hope this helps. Thanks for all your effort!

Hi VRVisuals,

I was able to successfully recreate the error that you showed, but only after creating a clone of a 4.11 project and trying to package the clone. Had you ever cloned a copy of your project in 4.11?

The good news is that this error does not appear to occur in 4.12. If you get a , would you be able to try upgrading your project to the released 4.12 and try packaging there?

Hi ,

Whatever the outcome is, your support is totally awesome. I will try it this weekend and I will let you know! Thank you very much!

Kind regards,


Hi ,

It worked with 4.12! Thank you for the help!
