Project tested well in editor and stand along mode.When package project threre were some "can’t find package"warning:
LogInit: Display: LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\SVN_Folder\ZYProV6\Content\Assets\ZY_Forth\Materials\wood_2.uasset: Failed to load '/Game/Programmer/UI/UI_Texture/BW22': Can't find file.
LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: VerifyImport: Failed to load package for import object 'Package /Game/Programmer/UI/UI_Texture/BW22'
but no errors.After package, this error occured when run exe:
I had tried to fix these warining , delete binaries, saved and immidiate folder package it again ,this error still exist.Does anyone know what’s going on or how to debug it and solve it?