Trying to package my project and failed. I’ve read many questions with similar problems, I’ve tried the solutions and nothing.
I have read somewhere that packaging your project may fail because of some issues with the materials (moved them in a different folder in the middle of the project, corrupted etc). And I did move some of them at some point. What could I do in that case? Also, most of the assets I use (buildings) are imported from Sketchup. I created them and I used the materials from Sketchup. Could that be something?
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Hi Diego,
In your log it states ** The file ‘…/…/…/…/…/…/Users/Diego/Documents/GitHub/UOI/Content/UrbanCity/Textures/Buildings/building_06_n.uasset’ contains unrecognizable data, check that it is of the expected type.**
If you export models from sketchup they should work fine in the engine provided you aren’t including anything extra. Take a look at that asset and make sure that it was exported/imported properly.