Opening the demo

can any one help on this problem ?? I was working on my level before 2 days and it suddenly crashed and it closed every things I tried to open it again but after 5 munits it closed again

and now when I try to open the demo it shows up this message but when I open it to see if there is error , there is no errors…

pleas help me , how can I have my level again ???

Did you try to import something in that didn’t go in correctly?

A golden rule is always have regular stepwise backups!

If you have Autosaves on, they are saved in here: [Your Project DIR][Your Project NAME]\Saved\Autosaves\Game\ModularNeighborHoodPack\Maps. Backup your original level first.

yes I have backup but it’s missed some things

thank you …

ooh thank you I will check it now

best regards…