In the inventory and UIs there is only two events wich are handled by the server so far. And that is picking up and dropping items, players only have access to the graphics of the inventory while the server handles adding items to it.
Something weird happened tho, all of a sudden when picking up items only the clients can interact with them. Dragging them, dropping them, player who is the server however cannot :S
Made a really simple test event when mouse cursor enters an inventory slot it prints the number of the slot, seems like the server players event does not trigger the event when entering and leaving. Hmm wonder how this is possible, maybe some cast somewhere.
UPDATE! Fixed it sort of, but it is strange to me. When the main hud was created on begin play:
Get player controller at index 0 at ower pin -> Create player UI. I now changed owner to Self, wich should be the right way to go. However now it gives errors that only local player controllers can be assigned to widgets.
Odd how it gives error when it works, and no error when it doesnt work