one character throw items On the ground,Another character can seeing,how to set?

one character throw items On the ground,Another character can seeing,how to set?

[FONT=comic sans ms]best guess at what you meant

In standard Unreal, you can change the relevancy of an actor- the actor won’t update/spawn if it is not network relevant. If you only want the player who dropped the item to see it, depending on your network setup, you might check ‘Only Relevant to Owner’ in the actor’s replication settings. Having the player who dropped the item be unable to see the item is a bit harder. Another option you can do is have the dropped item be attached to the player character as a component, and then make sure to set ‘Only Owner See’ and/or ‘Owner No See’, however this will only work if the object is attached to the player character as a component.

In the MMOStarterKit (I saw your post by looking at your recent history), I have no idea if there are any special settings.

In general, you can also create your own system. This requires more in-depth knowledge of how Unreal/MMOStarterKit work. In a networked environment, the same object may be present on various clients/servers/hosts. On each client/host, you can make an object visible/invisible separately based on if you want that client to see the object. This can be done by setting the ‘Visible’ or ‘Hidden in Game’ settings in the Rendering properties of an actor or component.

Of course, if all you want is for everyone to be able to see an item that one character dropped, then make sure the dropped item:

  1. replicates
  2. spawns on the server